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Writers Required

Write your Own Community Story
Calling all Writers, Journalists and Authors! You can write your own a story about Otaki or Te Horo, about your Community group, fundraising event, festival or just your favourite things to see and do in Otaki or Te Horo for free. 

This is about the Community by the Community! Send a story to Zilchoo and share it with the everyone.

How do I get published
It's simple, send Zilchoo an email with your story, including your name and a photograph of your blog topic to you will be published within 2-3 days!

Looking for Inspiration?
Would you like to write a community story, but not sure where to start. Here's a list of topics you might like to write about:
  • Surfing at the Beach
  • Walks and Trails
  • Your local Children's Playground
  • The Local Library
  • Fishing and your favourite fish recipe
  • Bike Riding trails
  • Best spot for a picnic
  • The Outlet shops
  • Otaki Forks Swing Bridge
  • Camping at the Gorge

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