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#OtakiThreads - MenzShed

The Otaki Menzshed, which can be found near the Women's Health Centre on Mill Road, has existed now for a little over a year. It sprang from the desire of Menzshed founding member Valdis Plato's desire to create a space where people could come together, share their skills, find like minded people, and do valuable work in the community.

The life of the shed in it's first year is as follows:
First gathering 23.11. 2013 
Foundation 11.12.2013 
Incorporation 23.1.2014 
Shed Occupation 3.2.2014 
Charitable Status 8.4. 2014 
Official Opening 17.6.2014 

The membership now stands at thirty one. I saw the shed as a force for good in my town. It serves as a way for people to maintain connections with the world, whilst also performing a useful role in the community. The shed also features some of the finer aspects of Kiwi life, where people come together to find ingenious solutions to problems, whilst never expecting applause for doing so. It was these points which led me to spend six months photographing the life of the shed.

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