"This year I was lucky enough to follow the Maoriland story for the whole week. Everyday I woke up wondering what I would see, hear, and be reflecting on by the day’s end.
Personal highlights for me would be the enthusiasm for the festival from our local schools, particularly on Wednesday morning at the Wananga where the students creations were watched, cheered and critiqued. What an opportunity, to realize that a creative act can be carved out right here at home in Otaki using just talent, enthusiasm and hard work."
Simon Neale - Otaki Threads
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Personal highlights for me would be the enthusiasm for the festival from our local schools, particularly on Wednesday morning at the Wananga where the students creations were watched, cheered and critiqued. What an opportunity, to realize that a creative act can be carved out right here at home in Otaki using just talent, enthusiasm and hard work."
Simon Neale - Otaki Threads
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